Article Marketing Tips – A Few Article Marketing Tips That Could Save Your Business

The following article marketing tips probably aren’t considered any kind of new article marketing strategy for advanced marketers, but they might be a good reminder nonetheless. There are entire ebooks written on this subject so by no means do the following article marketing tips cover everything. They are just ones that have helped my writing, and my results with it, improve the most.

Business With Article Marketing

Article marketing is by all means an internet business practice that is used mostly by marketing affiliates, but it is also used by online businesses to promote all kinds of products. To harness the full power of article marketing, affiliates (or other online business owners) would write articles for their own websites or blogs as well as submitting articles to online article directories and posting articles on various Web 2.0 websites. Submitting and and marketing this content can help the business, but it should be remembered that this marketing is anyway labor-intensive.

Traffic Through Article Marketing

Article marketing can also be used to send visitors (also known as “traffic”) to websites or blogs which contain classified advertisements. In this case, focus on providing information, not selling yourself. Sure, one of the ultimate goals of article marketing is to drive traffic to your site so that you can ideally increase your leads or sales, but that doesn’t mean the articles you write should be nothing more than a thinly-veiled sales pitch. In fact, you won’t drive any traffic if your articles are badly written, and the traffic won’t do you any good if your target market can’t use the information you provide. It is very important for you to drive targeted traffic to your site. More traffic will certainly mean making more money for you in the end.

Article Marketing And Search

If your websites or blogs contain fresh unique content, they are more likely to achieve higher placement in search engine results. Not to mention all that “keyword drawn” traffic coming from the search engines.

When done properly, it’s a highly effective way to build links to your website, to increase your online authority, to control the search rankings for top keywords, and to spread your online presence.

See, when your article comes up in the search engines or gets Tweeted out, the main factor that determines whether or not someone will read it is the headline, since it it is the first thing that anyone will see everywhere, be it in a search result page or in a tweet.

Articles And Blogs

If you own a blog and have written a few articles or more on it, I invite you to take the challenge as well. This is a great exercise in reflection. Sometimes I realize how while people comment on my blog, a continued conversation about those same comments is going over on Twitter as well. I usually Dig my blog for my best articles, which would ramp up their rankings.

Niche Articles

I don’t care what your niche is, there probably is a way to tie any story into your business. Just pick a keyword you want to rank for in your niche, write articles to target that keyword, and you will rank in the top 10 results for them. Assuming that you will be writing articles of really high quality, you can become an expert in your industry or niche.

Article Directories

You will be writing and submitting articles to e-zines and article directories. For each directory that publishes your article, you get one more page out there driving traffic and authority to your website. This is why you will need to submit to various article directories. You will get more back links if more directories publish your articles.

Video Articles

Are you using video articles and audio articles yet? You can use them in your website and embed the video to play automatically or when the user clicks the play button. As you may see, by submitting the written version to article directories and the video version to YouTube, you more than triple the effectiveness of one article. And there is a link to the video version of the article from the article itself so users will be more tempted to visit your website and watch the video instead of reading the article.


Some beginners and intermediate writers sometimes need help, so they search for article marketing tips If you are one of those that need help, then you can use these few suggestions to boost your article marketing success. If you want to maximize the results you’re getting, try including the above article marketing tips into your game plan.